8th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Gamma-ray Astrophysics in the Multimessenger context
Trieste, 2010, September 8 -10
Important dates and deadlines
- April 5, 2010
- Abstract submission, opening.
- Registration and hotel reservation, opening.
- June 15, 2010
- Citizens of some countries may need a formal invitation letter to obtain the entrance visa;
for the list of countries please visit the website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the following page: Consular Services.
On request, we will send you the invitation letter: please respect this deadline date.
- July 4, 2010
- Deadline for abstract submission.
- July 7, 2010
- Preliminary Scientific Programme.
- July 30, 2010
- Finalization of the Scientific Programme.
- July 31, 2010
- Deadline for hotel booking at preferential rates.
- September 1, 2010
- Deadline for online registration.