
SciNeGHE 2001
8th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Gamma-ray Astrophysics in the Multimessenger context
Trieste, 2010, September 8 -10

Proceedings Instructions

The workshop proceedings will be published by Il Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia on physics.

Information and LaTeX macros are available here.

For your convenience we provide you the Cimento latex class complete guide, a shorter guide, and the latex macros.

The submission deadline is November 26, 2010.

It is requested that your contribution is contained in a compressed archive called author_name.tar (.zip) containing the source (author_name.tex) file, the figures (author_name_fig01.eps etc) and a complete (author_name.pdf) pdf file to compare the output. Contributions can be sent via email to the editors at the address:

Please write in the e-mail's subject the words "scineghe2010 proceedings".

Proceedings of invited contributions should not exceed 6 pages, while contributed talks and posters proceedings are limited to a maximum of 4 pages.

Once the contribution is refereed and accepted, the authors will be requested to sign the copyright transfer agreement and the reprint request that will be provided later.

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