8th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Gamma-ray Astrophysics in the Multimessenger context
Trieste, 2010, September 8 -10
Useful Numbers
- Emergency numbers
- Carabinieri police 112
- Police 113
- Fire Brigade 115
- Emergency Medical Service 118
- On the road
- Travel info 06 491115
- Highway info 840042121
- Road assistance ACI 803116
- On the train
- Railway police 040 3794537
- National Railways: www.ferroviedellostato.it
- Railway info line and ticket office 892021
- In the air
- Ronchi dei Legionari Airport Info office 0481 773224
- Public transports
- Radio taxi 040 307730
- Taxi 040 390039
- Public transport (bus) - Trieste Trasporti 800016675